WIMIN Meeting 2023
"Very good meeting"
"Lots of variety in lectures"
"Informal presentation environment allows for speakers to enjoy presenting"
"Good range of questions from delegates"
"Such a Great conference. An opportunity to network with women from different specialties and really learn something."
"Fabulous conference, wonderful location, food and most of all - company."
"I definitely feel rejuvenated, both regarding home and the general family humdrum, and the prospect of work with its daily challenges. Supportive female network is so important!"
"A great busy week, full of interesting talks provoking general discussion, fun skiing and generally meeting a bunch of interesting women! "
"I found discussing the primary/
secondary care interface fascinating and helpful to be reminded of life outside the primary care bubble. This, along with the variety of specialities experience on various situations led to general learning of each other’s pressures."
"I like the fact that everyone prepares and gives a talk and as promised, it is a supportive environment."
"The hotel was lovely and the food was delicious."
"Thank you as ever for your fantastic organisation and hard work for WIMIN this year. It was truly a fantastic conference and I love the week so much. Returned home refreshed!"
"It was a really great week. I was feeling pretty burnt out before I arrived, and I genuinely feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a week at the WIMIN conference."
"For me, the winning combination is of learning in a highly supportive environment, of challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone and present about subjects I find interesting, and of feeling validated by colleagues from a range of clinical backgrounds."
"The discussions provoked by the talks lead to the sharing of differing perspectives and challenged us all to think outside of our own boxes and learn from each other. I cannot recommend this meeting more highly."
"Francesca and her team made me feel so welcome and adding to the feeling of being really cared for. When I spend my life looking after others, I really appreciated being looked after for once! The food was the best yet!"
"Finally, the organisation from Kate and Helen was superb. Communication was top level, and every detail was made easy for everyone, and very much appreciated. I particularly like the links that the group have forged with the Ghanian charity to support women’s education is areas with limited resources. It feels really important when we have such privilege, that we contribute to supporting the education of others."
"As always, a fabulous meeting with excellent topics and presentations. Due to the multidisciplinary set of doctors I feel that I learned a lot about medicine and general health non- anaesthetic related, which is a good approach to modern medicine."
"This meeting feels like a safe space for women in the working force where we can be heard. The audience is attentive and nurturing, the combination of lectures in the morning and evening combined with an outdoor activity is an ideal environment for learning. Looking forward to attending and presenting again in 2024."
"I would change nothing! Consistently the best conference I have been on."
"The weeks get better and better, what a wonderful group of WIMIN, I always learn so much, not just clinical but also about the wider NHS and our role in it."
"Great selection of talks, grouping into different areas really helps with the learning mood!"
"Love the discussions around the talks and afterwards on the chairlifts, it reinforces the message and creates a belonging that is so important for our sense of value and well being."
"There is genuinely nothing to be
improved on. I can’t say how much it has reinvigorated my will to go on both professionally and personally. Brilliant, inspiring, supportive women, amazing location, great skiing and fab
food and wine. And just the right size of group too. Thank you so much."
"Overall your level of organisation and thoughtfulness surpasses any other conference, thank you for creating and managing this group!"
"The lectures seem to get better every year. It was great to have more representation from primary care. The effort all the delegates put in to make this such a successful week is heart warming. Francesca really made us so welcome & is there constantly to attend to every detail."
"It is the perfect conference in every way!
Areas of speciality covered and worked in by presenters includes anaesthesia, emergency medicine, gastroenterology, general practice, radiology, education and women's health.